I am a senior leader in Newmark’s UK Planning and Development team. Drawing on over 25 years’ experience in the business, I provide strategic and property specific advice to a wide range of landowners, developers and potential occupiers in both the private and public sectors.
I have significant experience dealing with complex high-profile projects across a range of sectors often including some of the most important historic buildings in the country.
I advise a variety of clients including large Estates such as The Church Commissioners, Sloane Stanley Estate, South Kensington Estate and Howard de Walden Estate. Major Developers including Legal and General, British Land, AXA, Royal London and Standard Life. Large institutions including The Royal Academy, Royal Opera House, Royal College of Surgeons. Higher Education establishments including Kings College, London, City University of London, Kingston University and various Oxford Colleges.
Recent Projects
- Major mixed-use developments – I advised on planning permission on behalf of Royal London for the regeneration of Castlewood House and Medius House. Including 21,000 sq m of office accommodation and new residential. The site was in a sensitive location being adjacent to Centre Point (Listed Grade II) and being visible from Bedford Square and the British Museum. Given the scale of the proposals extensive consultation was required with a range of stakeholders.
- Sensitive Heritage proposals – I advised on planning permission and Listed Building Consent for the headquarters of the Royal College of Surgeons. This involved the redevelopment of the Royal College of Surgeons a Grade II* listed building on Lincoln Inn Fields. The brief was to create a new home for the Royal College of Surgeons which included the change of use of part of the site for alternative uses and substantial demolition of a Grade II* listed building creating improvements to the accessibility of the building, the enlargement and relocation of the Hunterian museum and the provision of modern education facilities.
- Masterplans for major institutions – I advised on planning permission and Listed Building Consent for the Royal Academy of Arts for their masterplan linking 6 Burlington Gardens and Burlington House. The proposals created a new public link through the buildings allowing the public to walk from Piccadilly through to Burlington Gardens for the first time. A comprehensive masterplanning exercise was carried out involving sensitive alteration and adaptation to these important buildings.
- Residential including Central London residences for high profile individuals through to Large Country Estates including obtaining planning permission and listed building consent for the regeneration of Grade I listed Houses and supporting infrastructure often including development within Registered Parks and Gardens.
- Large London Estates including providing overall strategy; advising on a variety of scale projects; and engagement with politicians and a wide range of stakeholders. Building relationships and contributing to a diverse and successful Estate. Examples include The Church Commissioners, The Sloane Stanley Estate and The South Kensington Estate.