I am the Business Rates Policy Lead at Gerald Eve, with responsibility for campaigning for a fairer, more sustainable rating system and advising on the implications of Government policy. I have over 40 years’ experience in rating and valuation and was previously Head of Business Rates at the firm for over 20 years.
I am a past President of the Rating Surveyors’ Association, a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors’ Rating and Local Taxation Advisory Forum, of which I was the Chairman for five years from 2000, and a Fellow of the Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation. My expertise is also recognised by the key industry, trade and think tank organisations, and I regularly assist the CBI, Federation of Small Businesses, British Retail Consortium, REVO, British Property Federation and others on policy and lobbying.
I have given evidence to the House of Commons Select Committees on developing rating legislation and policies. I am a prominent voice in the business rates debate, regularly featuring in the national and trade media as well as speaking at conferences on business rates issues.