Alongside Lisa Webb, I co-lead Newmark UK’s Planning & Development team. I am a Chartered Town Planner and have over 25 years’ experience providing planning consultancy advice.
My expertise is advising on complex strategic mixed-use redevelopment and regeneration projects with a particular focus on London. I have a deep understanding of the political issues behind national, regional and local policies as well as their interpretation in practice.
I am actively involved in influencing planning policy through the BPF, BusinessLDN and other Forums which provides insight in to emerging policy and objectives. I am also experienced in expert witness work.
I have advised the full range of investors, developers and occupiers across private and public sectors. My key clients include The Crown Estate, Grosvenor Estate, Derwent London, Great Portland Estates, Capital and Counties, Landsec, Urbanest and Invesco.
Recent Projects
- I’ve advised on the Elizabeth Line Over-Station Developments – including Tottenham Court East for Derwent London (retail, major offices and a new West End Theatre).
- I’ve advised on Bond Street East for Great Portland Estates (retail, offices and residential as part of the Hanover Square masterplan), and Bond Street West for Grosvenor Estate.
- I advised on St James’s Market Phase 2 for The Crown Estate and Oxford Properties. This was a flagship strategic mixed use redevelopment scheme in Haymarket including major new retail and offices, together with retained cinema around a new place in the heart of St James’s.