I lead the North West Lease Consultancy Team from our Manchester Office. I have over 25 years’ professional experience dealing with commercial property matters across the region, advising a broad range of investor and occupier clients in both the private and public sector.
I have provided consultancy on all aspects of Landlord and Tenant matters from advice on lease drafting, lease re-structures, rent reviews and lease renewals to include consideration of market alternative sites at the time of lease renewal. I advise across the office, industrial and retail sectors.
I have acted as Expert Witness in rental disputes at Arbitration and Independent Expert and lease renewal disputes via PACT or the Courts. I have stood as Expert Witness in the Manchester County Courts.
I also sit on the RICS Panel of Arbitrators accepting appointments from the president RICS to act as Arbitrator.
I have advised a variety of regional, national and international clients both within the public and private sector including W H Smith, Pizza Express, Costa, Akzo Nobel, The Department for Work and Pensions, Network Rail, Mapeley, Telereal Trillium, USS, Eric Wright Group.