Pay the correct business rates
At a time when the leisure operators remain focussed on recovery, alongside the myriad of other more recent cost pressures, it is critical that rating assessments properly reflect the impact of both the depth and duration of the pandemic on each sub-sector. If you own or operate a business in the leisure sector, having a solid understanding of how your business rates work is crucial to effectively manage costs and maximising profitability. Our flexible business rates service is tailored to your specific requirements and is designed to save you time and money.
Impact of Revaluation 2023 on Leisure
The leisure sector was hit particularly hard by the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, with the cuts experienced going deeper and lasting longer than for many other parts of the economy. Fast forward to 2023 and, while for many trading metrics are returning to pre-pandemic levels, the recovery of profit is more complex. While 2023 Rateable Values saw a decrease, for many there is scope for review. Here, we delve deeper into what is shaping business rates in the leisure industry.
The market has changed
The 2023 Revaluation came at a particularly sensitive time for leisure businesses and provided an opportunity for Rateable Values to be recalibrated to properly reflect market changes since the last revaluation.
For leisure ratepayers, this was arguably the most important rating revaluation for more than 20 years. It was also probably the most challenging from a valuation perspective, given both the ebbs and flows of trading performance since the last revaluation in 2017 and comparatively little market evidence since 2020.
For many leisure businesses, operational characteristics form an inherent part of the calculation of Rateable Value.
The challenges and the opportunities
Leisure operators are currently grappling with several challenges:
- A recruitment crisis has been limiting their ability to operate as frequently or for as long as desired.
- The cost-of-living crisis is putting a strain on discretionary income, leading consumers to cut back on entertainment spending.
- Changing consumer and workplace habits are impacting the profitability of venues in city centres.
Among others, these combined factors threaten the sustainability and profitability of businesses in the leisure sector.
There are however opportunities to offset the challenges . Leisure operators can access the Retail Hospitality Leisure Relief Scheme. However, legislation is changing frequently, and advice can assist.
Removal of downwards transitional relief improves the prospects of generating real rates savings.
Trade-based valuations from the 2021 Antecedent Valuation Date (AVD) may offer scope for reductions, providing some financial relief.
Further, potential savings may be derived from Material Change of Circumstances (MCCs), such as disturbances near a property or new competition in the catchment.