Valuation-Portfolio Valuation - Newmark

Valuation/Portfolio Valuation

Newmark’s Valuation/Portfolio Valuation practice leverages extensive industry knowledge and widespread geographic presence. Newmark Valuation & Advisory offers comprehensive support for clients with individual assets or diverse international portfolios. Our global reach allows us to serve owners, investors, developers, and financial institutions worldwide.

Newmark Valuation & Advisory offers comprehensive support for clients with individual assets or diverse international portfolios. Our global reach allows us to serve owners, investors, developers, and financial institutions worldwide.

Every valuation project is managed by a dedicated contact person, ensuring consistent communication and reporting. Our technology platform leverages a proprietary database along with a variety of specialized valuation tools and resources. We provide a thoroughly supported valuation, appraisal, and best-use analysis, empowering our clients to make informed decisions.

Newmark’s Valuation/Portfolio Valuation include:

Individual Asset Valuations

Our valuation professionals are best-in-class in their respective markets, and provide accurate and timely asset valuations for our clients.

Individual/Partnership Investor & Fund Services

In the current economic climate, many properties are being impacted as evidenced by the interaction of buyers and sellers trying to establish pricing. Through our national reach of intel and local market expertise as well as internal analytics, we offer valuation services in recognizing the risk profiles of these assets and provide comprehensive understanding of the market parameters impacting value.

Newmark Valuation & Advisory offers specifically geared services for investors’ needs, focusing on the valuation as of a specific point in time. It is important to understand the performance of your portfolio in order to make informed decisions. As the market is currently changing at a rapid pace, our professionals can provide regularly scheduled valuation updates including quarterly, semi-annual, or annual reports. We can craft a work product that suits your specific needs.

Key considerations when valuing investments and fund assets include the reliability of data, the underlying assets, and market conditions—all of which affect the accuracy of the valuation itself.

Portfolio/REIT Valuations

Our team is able to swiftly handle large, complex multi-property portfolio assignments, and our Financial Reporting practice provides expertise in financial reporting standards and property-specific insights.

Portfolio Analytics

We supplement traditional analytics with industry benchmarks and trends, ensuring comprehensive due diligence.

Market Rent Studies

Newmark’s extensive database tracks recent transactions, allowing us to analyze each market in real time.

Market and Economic Studies

Critical to both development and investment activity is understanding local property markets. Our market and economic studies combine site-specific insights with economic impact analysis to look at cash-on-cash, return on investment and other key metrics.

Bubble Chart Graphic Valuation Portfolio Valuation Revised