Uncover Value with Asset Management

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Identify Gaps in Your Asset Management Process

Do you review the lease to ensure the terms adequately support the business needs?
How do you know if you’re paying market rents?
Are you tracking your dates in a spreadsheet or in a live database with notifications and real-time dashboards?
Have you ever missed a Renewal Option Date? Did it result in losing the asset or paying higher rent?
Are you proactive or reactive when it comes to the timing of negotiations?
Do you balance the need to improve the deal with maintaining good landlord relationships?

Meet ROS

ROS (Retail Occupier Services) is a Newmark specialty practice group offering full-service lease administration as part of a suite of outsourced real estate services.

Asset Management Done Right

Mismanagement can lead to significant consequences including paying above-market rent, unwanted lease terminations, unfavorable lease terms, operational disruption, damaged reputation, and strategic misalignment.

When you partner with ROS’ Asset Management Team, we help you…

  • Achieve Better Economics (lower rent, additional TIA / rent abatement)
  • Improve Lease Terms (additional options, self-help, HVAC, CAM, etc.)
  • Maintain Good Landlord Relationships (as former retailers, we appreciate this better than most)
  • Be Proactive, Not Reactive (maintain leverage)
  • Flex Knowledge (use ROS resources to optimize results)

Asset Management Services

  • Lease Renewals
  • Lease Restructuring
  • Dispositions
  • Closures
  • Early Terminations
  • Pipeline Tracking/Portfolio Reviews

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